about DOALG
DOALG stands for Diary of a Lincoln Geek.
In 2016, we started out as two friends, Chris & Dan, making a YouTube channel to review board games, with the occasional written review thrown in.
Now, there are eight of us working on everything that makes up DOALG, which includes our monthly live show Let's Talk Board Games, a podcast every Tuesday, written reviews that go out at least weekly, a 50+ member Discord community, regular TikTok unboxings, event coverage, competitions, and playing the odd game. We've got a section of roleplaying content launching soon. One team member is even writing this.
We've been up to a lot since 2016, but one core principle hasn't changed: we're still gamer geeks, making stuff to help out other gamer geeks, whether you're just starting or you've been around longer than Battlestar Galactica.
That means we keep things honest, simple, and focused on our audience. We love that you're reading this, but we'd also love you to be part of our community. So join in, buckle up, and Let's Talk Board Games.
Meet the team

Mr Chris
Founder & Director
"I still remember walking into my very first Games Workshop store and being immediately hooked on games. Now the love of board games has taken over, I founded #DOALG along with Mr Dan & the rest is history. Some of my favourite games are games like Ascension and Battlestar Galactica."

Mr Dan
Founder & Former Podcaster General
At the end of 2023, Dan was honourably discharged from his Diary of a Lincoln Geek duties to spend more time with his wife and two children. Given his love for being a hidden traitor, it's understandable they want to keep more of an eye on him.
George E Ohh
Editorial Director & Rules Lawyer
"Mr Dan invited me to a Cylons Anonymous game day where we played Eclipse, and I've been addicted to boardgames since. I'm the Rules Lawyer for the DOALG team; if anyone will find a more spurious loophole to do some crazy strategy, I look forward to gaming with them!"

Suey, the Word Nerd
Primary Editor
My introduction to games was a friend teaching me Munchkin at uni. From that glorious day my addiction grew, and now I get to review games for DOALG too!

Writer, Dinosaur Content
A short paragraph about the team member will be written here shortly.

It's been at least a year since we asked Sam for some text to go here, but he's a bit of a recluse, so you can just assume he shares all his physical attributes and personality traits with the man in this stock photo.

Grgr joined DOALG to edit the first series of the podcast, but does written reviews & YouTube content too. He has, purely through chance, never been an evil character in Blood on the Clocktower, and won't let you forget it.

Pete The Collector
Writer & Podcaster
"I've been a geek for most of my life. I played board games as a child, but it wasn't until visiting Mr Dan one weekend that I was introduced to the board games I love playing to this day. Favourites include the Forbidden series, Blood on the Clocktower and, of course, Battlestar Galactica."
support us
So now you know what we do, who we are, and hopefully you've read, watched, or listened to some of the many things we do.
And you'll be shocked to hear we've been doing all these things for all these years without charging readers like you anything, or serving you any advertising.
We're making stuff for free because we love games and we want to help out our fellow gamers, but that doesn't mean the site is free to run. There are all sorts of hosting and equipment costs involved, most of which are being absorbed by our founders.
The site runs at a loss, but if you like what we do, you can chuck us a few quid via Ko-Fi using the donation box.
Or if you're up for helping us keep on growing, get in touch about sponsoring either the website, the live shows, or our podcast. Drop us an email at diaryofalincolngeek@gmail.com