2020 has been a hard year on everyone, especially now people in the UK are isolating and unable to socialise this #holidayseason. It has never been more important to utilise the internet to reach out to each other and enjoy immersive content and this is what #DOALG is all about.
We hope to have and continue to lift your spirits by uploading 1584 minutes of content. Our hard work is worth celebrating—let’s take a moment to reflect! #OurYearInReview. Our videos have been liked on YouTube alone over 65 times by our followers and subscribers and we would like to say a big thanks. Thanks to you all as you have left 80 comments and shared our videos 34 times just on YouTube. Our subscriber count has increased and thanks to you, you have watched over 5000 minutes of our content. #celebration
This is our year in review #MyYearInReview