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Gregor Smith
Nov 4, 20226 min read
Trivial Pursuit Live! 2: trivia's drab digital cousin
Trivial Pursuit has a digital version! But who is it for? And why is there a sequel? We can't answer those questions, but reviewed it anyway
Chris Allsopp
Aug 6, 20213 min read
Ascension: an entry level deck builder? Let's see...
Players: 1-6 Ages: 12+ Game Time: 30 -90 mins Summary Ascension is a deck-building game, designed by Justin Gary, in which players...
George E Ohh
Jun 11, 20213 min read
The Scots are coming... quick let's talk about Isle of Skye
Many tile laying games adapt from the classic game of Carcassonne. Isle of Skye seems very similar but is it just an obvious reskin?
The Word-nerd
Dec 11, 20205 min read
For the love of owlies, our review of Wingspan
Wingspan won the Kennerspiel 2019 when it was first introduced by Stonemaier Games, now it transformed into a digital form by Monster Couch.
George E Ohh
Nov 27, 20206 min read
The red planet beckons, reviewing Terraforming Mars
So when I saw Asmodee had produced a digital edition of the game on Steam I had to buy it and try it out properly.
George E Ohh
Nov 12, 20204 min read
Have Nomad bitten off more than they can chew? We review Fury of Dracula digital edition
We have been very graciously granted two early access codes ahead of the games release on 12th November by Nomad Games to be able to review
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