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The Word-nerd
Jul 27, 20247 min read
Splash Safe - saving lives and making a splash in the tabletop arena
This World Drowning Prevention Day, DOALG previews Splash Safe, an innovative tabletop game that teaches water safety.

Dec 8, 20234 min read
Once upon a time in the wild wild west there was a High Noon Heist
Once upon a time in the wild wild west there was a High Noon Heist - and here's our review

Rhiannon Hollands
Sep 22, 20236 min read
Pugs in Mugs - A doggie doo doo or a doggie doo don't?
Is it a doggie doo doo or a doggie doo don't? Rhiannon from Diary Of a Lincoln Geek reviews the game Pugs in Mugs from Stop, Drop and Roll.

Chris Allsopp
May 19, 20233 min read
Get hooked on Dodo - the fun and addictive board game from Kosmos!
Dodo by Kosmos Games - This game is fast paced and with the random luck element alongside memory skills, you'll be hard pressed to manage

Dec 2, 20224 min read
Can you stay on the good side of Jack this Christmas?
Can you stay on the good side of Jack this Christmas? "Jack is needing all hands-on deck as he is replacing Sandy Claws this season."

Chris Allsopp
Oct 19, 20226 min read
Tabletop Gaming Live - attending one day, my two pence...
Mr Chris reflects on his 1 day attendance on Manchester's Tabletop Gaming Live gaming convention... let's see what he thinks?

Oct 10, 20227 min read
Will your luck hold out or will you just be another Unlucky Adventurer?
We review Unlucky Adventurers, the debut game from Unlucky Archer. In this card and dice game the odds are rarely in your favour!

The Word-nerd
May 13, 20224 min read
Are these letters of possibility in Wibbell++?
The word-nerd is in heaven, with this crazy letter collection word game.

George E Ohh
Oct 5, 20212 min read
Zombie Dice - 60 second review
It's time for another 60 second review, you know the drill here short and to the point. This time the target is Zombie Dice.

Chris Allsopp
Sep 11, 20214 min read
Zuuli - The Fierce and Friendly game?
#Zuuli; a card drafting game that is currently live on Kickstarter. Quick to play, easy to learn... is there anything wrong with it?

Chris Allsopp
Sep 10, 20212 min read
It's in the Bag! Our thoughts on Bag of Dungeon
I am a visual person and was initially put off the game due to the simplistic nature of the graphics, so you’ll have to use your imagination

Aug 9, 20211 min read
Cat Lady - 60 second review
Let's face it, we all know at least one crazy cat lady! Cat Lady is a quick 2-4 player game by AEG where you take rows of resources to...

Jul 30, 20212 min read
Smile, it’s almost over for our "Happy Little Dinosaurs"
It’ll be alright tomorrow . . .

George E Ohh
Jul 8, 20213 min read
Get your Z-Ball on.
It's been a while since I brought you a review... but here is a nice new one as we've had the early access to the upcoming Kickstarter...

Jun 4, 20216 min read
Can you enter the Dragonvault, and get out alive with the most treasure?
We review Dragonvault a quick to learn quick to play fantasy card game for 2 - 8 players. Can you survive the Dragonvault?

Mar 26, 20213 min read
Get ready to build your own world in Planet™
Build your own world and fill it with life!
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